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- ItemODER, VERTICALIDAD Y REPRESENTACIÓN CINEMATOGRÁFICA Una lectura de «High-Rise»(VISUAL REVIEW International Visual Culture Review / Revista Internacional de Cultura Visual, 2023-01-30) De Domingo-Soler, Carlos; Urgellés-Molina, Alicia MaríaEl presente artículo analiza la representación cinematográfica del poder y su disputa a través de la ordenación vertical de los espacios visuales y narrativos de la pieza fílmica «High-Rise». Para ello, acudimos a un enfoque interdisciplinario, a caballo entre lo audiovisual, lo político y lo metajurídico, bebiendo de los aportes, sobre todo, de Michel Foucault y Byung-Chul Han. La investigación demuestra que en la película visionada el poder es representado mediante convenciones espaciales universalmente aceptadas, que resaltan las dislocaciones sociales y antropológicas que surcan los personajes a lo largo del relato.
- ItemCaries Experience in Preschoolers in Three Ecuadorian Communities(Children, 2023-06-28) Vélez-León, Eleonor María; Albaladejo-Martínez, Alberto; Preciado-Sarmiento, Mónica Alejandra; Cordero-López, María Augusta; Armas-Vega, Ana del Carmen; Encalada-Verdugo, Liliana Soledad; Melo, MaríaDental caries in the preschool population presents a significant challenge in the field of global public health, including Ecuador. Early detection of this disease is crucial for developing effective strategies for prevention and promotion of oral health, which can have a substantial impact on the quality of life of preschool-aged children. This study evaluated 600 children aged 3 to 5 years attending preschool education centers using the ICDAS II diagnostic criteria. The Student’s t-test was used to analyze differences between the means of two independent groups. Additionally, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to assess differences between the means of three or more groups. The prevalence of caries was 87%, with a dft index of 3.85 in the three provinces studied. A high treatment need was observed in 84.17% of the population. No significant differences in the DFT index were found based on gender, although both groups exhibited elevated values. No significant differences were observed in relation to province and environment. The second molar was the most affected tooth, with a caries prevalence of 58.8%. Despite the lack of significant differences among the evaluated variables, a high prevalence and experience of dental caries were found in the studied population.
- ItemAristotle’s Rhetoric as an Enhancement of Practical Reasoning(Eidos, 2023-01-01) Carbonell-Fernández, Claudia PatriciaAristotle’s account of rhetoric goes beyond its previous consideration as an art of persuasion to be regarded as a suitable logic for human affairs. In the realm of ethics and politics, he needs to appeal to a logic that can deal with contingency without discarding the concept of truth. I claim that the double rapport of rhetoric with dialectic and ethical-political issues links public discourse with the question of rationality and practical truth. I will start with a brief overview of two passages of the Rhetoric that account for the liaison of rhetoric with dialectic. Secondly, I consider two contributions that rhetoric theory makes to the enhancement of the rationality of ethics. Lastly, I will reflect on the relationship of rhetorical discourse with practical truth.
- ItemDistribution of Dental Fluorosis in the Southern Zone of Ecuador: An Epidemiological Study(Dentistry Journal, 2023-03-03) Velez León, Eleonor María; Albaladejo-Martínez, Alberto; Ortíz-Ortega, Paulia; Cuenca-León, Katherine; Armas-Vega, Ana del Carmen; Melo, maríaIn recent decades, the increase in fluoride exposure has raised the numbers of dental fluoro sis in fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities In Ecuador, but the last national epidemiological study on DF was conducted more than a decade ago. The objective of this cross-sectional descriptive study was to determine the prevalence, distribution and severity of dental fluorosis (DF) using the Dean index in 1606 schoolchildren aged 6 to 12 years from urban and rural environments in provinces that make up the Southern Region of Ecuador. Participants met the inclusion criteria which were age, locality, informed consent document and no legal impediment. The results are presented using percentage frequency measures and chi-square associations. The prevalence of dental fluorosis was 50.1% in the areas of Azuay, Cañar and Morona Santiago, with no significant differences (x 2 = 5.83, p = 0.054). The types of DF found most frequently were very mild and mild in all provinces; a moderate degree was more prevalent in Cañar (17%). There was no significant association (p > 0.05) between sex and the presence of dental fluorosis and, with respect to severity, the most frequent degree was moderate at the age of 12 years. The prevalence of dental fluorosis in the area evaluated is high, especially in the light and very light degrees, with a tendency toward moderate levels. It is necessary to carry out studies on the factors that are predisposing to the development of this pathology in the population studied. This research is an update regarding this pathology in Ecuador, so it is concluded that it is necessary to continue developing studies based on the findings obtained, thus contributing to the public health of the country.
- ItemLa reincidencia culposa: un análisis jurídico y doctrinari(Cuestiones Políticas, 2022-09-22) Ullauri-Betancourt, Santiago Andrés; Moreno-Ramón, Andrea Guadalupe; Hidalgo-Montero, Oscar Tadeo; Heredia-Pincay, Diana EmiliaSe analiza la figura de la reincidencia culposa tipificada en el Artículo 57 del Código Orgánico Integral Penal Ecuatoriano, esto respecto con la existencia de posibles vulneraciones a principios básicos del derecho, como la proporcionalidad y la culpabilidad, además de su aplicación como agravante en casos de peligrosidad del delincuente y potencialidad para volver a cometer infracciones, destacando el incumplimiento de los fines del derecho penal. La eventual divergencia entre la legislación ecuatoriana, los tratados internacionales y las posiciones jurisprudenciales son temas para destacar en el trabajo. Se trata de una investigación de carácter cualitativo y de tipo documental, enfocada en construir una correcta diferenciación de la reincidencia genérica y específica, para evitar futuras transgresiones a los derechos de los condenados por reincidencia culposa. Se concluye que la aplicación del Artículo 57 del COIP sanciona la conducta de la persona, lo que vulnera derechos inherentes a los ecuatorianos y los extranjeros residentes en el país, pues se toma en cuenta la peligrosidad del individuo como identificativo del reincidente, esto resulta en una tendencia previa al juzgador al momento de sentenciar, incumpliendo con la finalidad de mantener un orden jurídico que evita poner en una situación vulnerable al reincidente.